Manual vs. Electric Toothbrushes

A good toothbrush makes all the difference to your oral health. Without one, you risk poor oral hygiene, which can negatively impact your overall health. While electric and manual toothbrushes are both effective, they have unique pros and cons.

Electric Toothbrush Pros


Electric toothbrushes are good to go at the touch of a button. Also, using an electric toothbrush is just fun!

Plaque Removal

They either use a rotating head or sonic vibrations to remove plaque, food particles, and debris from the teeth.

Built-in Timers 

Many electric brushes have internal timers so that you know you’ve brushed your teeth for the right amount of time.

Electric Toothbrush Cons

Higher Costs 

One of the main disadvantages of electric toothbrushes is that they are more expensive than manual brushes.

Damage & Charging 

Electric toothbrushes can be damaged by overcharging or dropping them. Having to charge them can also be annoying.

Replacement Brushes

Finding the right replacement brush heads can be difficult because not all retailers carry them.

Manual Toothbrush Pros


They are simple and easy to use. Manual toothbrushes require no electricity, and when you’re traveling, there is no need to worry about carrying cases, batteries, or charging. 


Manual brushes are available at all drug stores and local supermarkets with plenty of inexpensive options in multiple styles and colors.

More Control

They are best for orthodontic patients because they do not vibrate excessively, which can break brackets and wiring. They also give you more control and allow you to reach certain areas where food tends to get stuck.

Manual Toothbrush Cons

Plastic Waste 

Manual brushes must be replaced more frequently; it is recommended that they be changed every three months, which can generate a lot of plastic waste. 

More Abrasive 

It can be difficult to detect if you are using too stiff of a brush or brushing too hard with a manual toothbrush. Unlike many electric brushes, there are no warnings or alerts to correct you if you’re applying too much pressure.

No Timers 

Manual brushes do not come with timers, so you must keep track of time to ensure you brush for the recommended 2 minutes.

Whether you choose a manual or electric toothbrush, it is important to brush your teeth twice a day, floss, and schedule regular cleanings with our Plantation dentist, Tamarac dentist, or Davie dentist to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

August 8, 2022