Tips for Recovering From a Tooth Extraction

Although adult teeth are supposed to be permanent, sometimes they need to be removed for health or cosmetic reasons. Knowing how to properly care for the extraction site after oral surgery is crucial to the healing process. At Smile Every Day, we believe that information is power and that all patients should follow these post-operative guidelines.

Take Care of the Socket

Maintaining the blood clot that forms in your tooth socket is the most important part of recovery. Dry socket can lead to severe infections, a deteriorated jawbone, and damaged nerves. This occurs when the blood clot fails to form or is disrupted, which exposes the underlying bone/nerve endings and results in a painful condition.

Brush Carefully

You should not brush or floss the site for 1-2 days after removal. To avoid infection, you can wash away food particles by rinsing your mouth with a saltwater solution in the morning, evening, and immediately following every meal. Stay away from mouthwashes that include alcohol to avoid irritation and remember to still brush your remaining teeth twice a day.

Get Lots of Rest

Avoid intense exercise, bending over, or lifting heavy objects; these activities can raise blood pressure in your brain and cause bleeding at the surgical site. You should also take naps on an elevated pillow to control the swelling and bleeding; this position promotes blood clotting, quicker healing, and reduced inflammation.

Minimize Pain & Swelling

Post-surgical swelling can peak a few days after your procedure and last for up to a week. You can manage pain and swelling using a cold compress on the affected side. Ice will numb the area, lessen your pain, and slow blood flow to reduce inflammation. You can also apply ice packs to your face in 15-minute intervals for the first 24 hours to minimize pain.

Stick to Softer Foods

Maintain a soft food diet to get the nutrition you need without damaging the soft tissue around your surgical site. You should avoid hard, crunchy, or chewy foods during recovery to minimize inflammation around the empty socket. Stick to soft foods like yogurt, ice cream, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, and soup. You should also refrain from chewing on the side of the extraction site and drink through a straw to alleviate pressure.

Schedule an Appointment

If you think you might need a tooth removed, schedule a consultation with our Plantation dentist, Tamarac dentist, or Davie dentist office. You can give us a call, submit a form request through our website, or send us an e-mail to get started. We look forward to speaking with you and making sure you have a comfortable experience.

August 3, 2022