Tips To Calm Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety, which often stems from fear of the dentist, is extremely common, affecting millions of Americans every year. Many people with a fear of dentists will avoid going in for a visit altogether until they are faced with a severe toothache and other more serious conditions. While we understand that visiting the dentist can be a highly stressful experience for many, we want to reassure you that we are here to help. For this reason, we have compiled a list of various tips you can incorporate into your next visit to help ease your dental anxiety. 

Share Your Fears With Your Dentist

Open communication with your dentist is crucial in overcoming dental anxiety. Being honest and sharing your concern with us can help us adapt the treatment to your needs. We are also happy to answer any questions you may have about the procedure and tools involved. Speaking up or signaling when you are uncomfortable or in pain is also essential in making your experience more pleasant. 

Distract Yourself by Listening to Something

Listening to music, a podcast, or an audiobook can help ease your anxiety by providing a means of distraction. Wearing your earbuds or headphones during a procedure can also help drown out the sound of drills and other noisy tools that tend to make patients nervous. You can also bring a small stress ball or fidget toy to keep your hands occupied.

Bring Someone With You to the Appointment

If coming to your appointment alone heightens your dental anxiety, we invite you to bring someone you trust with you. Having a friend or family member accompany you can offer comfort and make you feel more at ease. 

Book the Day and Time That Best Fits Your Schedule

In order to ease your anxiety, we recommend booking a day and time that is usually less stressful for you. This way, you will not feel rushed or under pressure to get to your appointment. Knowing this information in advance will afford you more time to relax. 

Practice Breathing and Mindfulness Technique

When nervous, we have the terrible habit of holding our breath, which only enhances the sense of panic that those with dental anxiety are already feeling. Try to inhale slowly and then exhale for the same number of counts. This breathing technique can help reduce stress levels. 

Talk to Your Dentist About Sedation Options

Depending on the circumstances, we are able to provide sedation options to highly anxious patients to help them and reduce stress levels. Different procedures may require different sedative medications and means of administration. Some options include:

                    • Oral sedatives
                    • Intravenous sedation (IV)
                    • General anesthesia
                    • Nitrous Oxide (Laughing gas)

Regardless of the method that best works for you, we aim to make everyone feel welcome and comfortable visiting our practices. If you have any questions ahead of your visit or anything we can do to help make your experience more enjoyable, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our Plantation dentists and Tamarac dentists would be happy to address your concerns and help you book your next appointment.

February 19, 2021